Clare Mellor
Funeral Celebrant in West Suffolk

A few words about me.

I now live in Bury St. Edmunds having moved here in 2011 with my husband Andrew to look after my then 96 year old Mother.

I have been fortunate to have been able to wear several different work/career “hats” over the years including; musician, retail and office management, mother, self-employment, foster-carer and teaching. The main constant throughout my personal and working life has been music of all kinds and Flute playing in particular. I studied Flute in Paris (I can speak French) and for many years I worked as a peripatetic Flute teacher in London and Berkshire. Since moving to Bury I continue to play and direct. Apart from Music I enjoy travelling - often to far away places dictated by where either of my sons happens to be - gardening, reading, and watching too much television! I also have recently become chair of a U3A Philosophy study group.

I am a good listener and I enjoy public speaking. I have been told by audience members that my voice is clear and expressive.

Thirty years ago, my mother was at the forefront of the green burial revolution (at least, here in West Suffolk!). Have a look at the Photographs page for two articles about her from 1998.

I have signed up to the Funeral Celebrancy Council Funeral Celebrant Accord.